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Meaning of Sankofa

Sankofa pronounced SAN-KO-FA

(SAN - meaning "to return," KO - meaning "to go," FA - meaning "to look, to seek and retrieve").

Sankofa represent the ideology of returning to the past to correct mistakes, bring forward the good from the past into the future. The Sankofa is the old Ashanti Adinkra symbol of a bird with its head turned backwards taking an egg off its back, that represents this ancient value.

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common bond

Collectively generating value

Our bond is people who shares common goals that when acted upon collectively can be easily achieved to mutual benefit, creating value and our own economy.

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Aims & Objectives

In all our business operations, we strive to play an integral role in society, sharing its values and working to create new value to help people around the world have healthier and more fulfilling lives. This is the essence of the management philosophy of Sankofa who places the utmost importance on its relationships with its members. Accordingly, Sankofa has adopted a management philosophy that embraces social values as an essential part of its business ideology.

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How does membership works?

Membership is at the heart of Sankofa - it's what makes us very different from other businesses and it's what we are proud to be a part of. But what exactly is membership all about? And what can it offer you? Well, as a member you're part of a group of people a real community who share the same goals and have a say in how Sankofa is run.

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